With vCERN Everyone Wins
Organizations and members monetarily benefit when inviting new members.

Who Can open a vCERN Affiliate Account?  

Anyone, individual or organization that is a registered nonprofit
Financial Incentive
vCERN wants to empower your organizations.
One of the ways vCERN empowers organizations is by providing them a financial incentive to efficiently run their pools.” Another paragraph with “Additionally, your members can earn monetary benefits.

You Earn $5 Per Member

For every member you have within your pool, vCERN will pay you $5 per year. The more people you have in your pool, the more money you or your organization makes. For example, just 10k members, vCERN would pay you $50,000 per year.

Your Members Earn $5 per Person
they Referrals

vCERN will give a one-time $5 referral credit to any one of your members that refer someone else to sign-up for your pool. Not only will this allow your pool to grow faster, but the more people your members refer the more your pool members will earn.
The more people you & your members invite, the faster your pool grows.

The faster your pool grows, the more your members save & the more you earn.